How To Do Blog Seo Like A Pro

How to do blog seo like a pro

How To Do Blog Seo Like A Pro
How To Do Blog Seo Like A Pro

How To Do Blog Seo Like A Pro

How to do blog seo like a pro

1. What is Blog SEO and Why it's Important

• Blog SEO is the practice of optimizing a blog's content, site structure and site code in order to get higher traffic from Google or any other search engine. 
• Apart from Email marketing and social media platforms, Google can be a huge source of traffic for a blog, so blog SEO is must. 

2. Target one keyword in a post

Instead of targeting lots of different keywords in your post, target one keyword per post. 
• If your blog is new and has less traffic, target long tail keywords with low to medium search volume. 
• Use Google auto suggest, answerthepublic, etc for long tail keyword ideas. 

3. SEO Optimize your blog post

Avoid stuffing your selected keyword so many times in your blog post. 
• Include your keyword in your title tag and blog post title. 
• Use your target keyword in blog intro and conclusion section. 
• Use your keyword in H1, H2 or H3 Subheading. 

4. Setup and Use SEO Plugin • Use SEO plugins like Yoast or Rankmath

Using an SEO plugin you can optimize your title and meta description. 
• Create and submit a sitemap. 
• Noindex your category and tag pages. 
• Compress images for site speed

5. Other Acitivities

Create SE0 friendly short url for each post with a keyword in it. 
• Writing Compelling meta descriptions to increasing your Click through rate ( CTR). This will help you to boost your ranking. 
• Do internal linking between your all blog posts.

6. Bonus

Add structured data, also known as schema markup, to your blog posts. 
It can give you a significant SE0 boost and increase your rankings. 
You can learn how to do this from Google and Youtube.