How To Write A Blog Post That Ranks On Google

Some tips to write an seo optimised blog that ranks on Google.

How To Write A Blog Post That Ranks On Google
How To Write A Blog Post That Ranks On Google

How To Write A Blog Post That Ranks On Google

1. Use the right 1 keywords

Location of keyword is more important than it's frequency. Use it in 
• URL • Title tag • First 50 words of your post • H1 tag • H2 tag 

2. CTR

Click through rate is an important ranking signal. 
• Optimize your title for high CTR. 
• Write compelling meta descriptions 

3. Use Internal Links

Internal linking is great for both users and Google. 
It helps Google understand your site's structure and architecture. 
4-5 links per post

4. Use LSI

LSI ( Latent Semantic Indexing) Keywords are the terms and phrases related to your topic. 
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5. Use External Links

According to Moz linking to authoritative sites may help you improve your page's ranking. 
It also helps my site visitors learn more about the topic of your post, hence results in better user experience.