Lessions I Wish I Had Learnt Early In Life Part 1

Lessons I wish I had learnt early in life! Which one do you relate with the most? Tell me in comments…

Lessions I Wish I Had Learnt Early In Life Part 1
Lessions I Wish I Had Learnt Early In Life Part 1

Lessions I Wish I Had Learnt Early In Life Part 1

1. Life can change ii an instant

Be grateful for what you have. 
Be ambitious but do not take for 
granted what you have today! 

2. It's okau to not be okay

There will be times when you are stressed, confused, frustrated, energy, low on confidence, JS I and demotivated. 
But that's absolutly normal. It doesn't mean that you are weak. You don't have to be strong -111 the time. 

3. You can't start with perfection

Do you just keep planning things instead of start doing them? Just because you are waiting for perfection! 
Perfection comes from the feedback once you ,LLAI i LAUil ly LI IIIII J. So, don't just wait to be perfect and lose the opportunities! 
If you haven't, start today

4. Happiness doesn't follow Succeb., it's the other way round

Success is not what makes you happy, Sucess is 'doing' what makes you happy. 
Success doesn't gurantee happiness but if you are happy doing what you are doing, jou will be successk 

5. There is no definition of Success

Do not compare yourself with others. 
Write your own store with your own deifnition of success! 
If jou achieve what YOU want to achieve, you are successful!