5 Instagram Myths You Don’t Want To Fall For
Instagram Myths You Don’t Want to Fall For

5 Instagram Myths You Don’t Want To Fall For
1. Stories Can't Sell
Some people are saying that Stories are only effective for brand awareness and that they won't actually drive sales. Stories are great for brand awareness and relationship building. I won't disagree there. But the idea that Stories aren't effective selling tools is downright incorrect.
2. Follower Count Reigns Supreme
Some brands clearly believe that an enormous follower count is what they should be focused on when it comes to Instagram marketing. But your follower count isn't the most important metric on Instagram. Your engagement rate is.
3. Hashtags: The Fewer the Better
This one is a myth, too, of course. You can add up to 30 hashtags on Instagram, Some studies show that 9-11 seems to be the sweet spot that maximizes engagement and reach, but others say to go full steam ahead and use the full 30 if you want.
4. Follow for Follow Works
This strategy is most often used by brands who are newer to Instagram and want to grow their follower count quickly but it often backfires. Don't do this, and focus on organic growth.
5. Post Constantly to See Results
There's no need to post more than twice per week if you don't have something truly spectacular to share in the feeds. You can go full steam ahead with Stories, uploading as many as you want on a daily basis.