7 Ingredients Of Great Content Writing

7 Ingredients of Great Content Writing

7 Ingredients Of Great Content Writing
7 Ingredients Of Great Content Writing

7 Ingredients Of Great Content Writing

1. Craft a Compelling Headline

You get 100 people to visit your blog. On average, 80 of them will read your headline copy, but only 20 will read the rest. In other words, your headlines have a lot of heavy lifting to do. Strong headlines provide specific information and give a little detail to draw people in but stop short of telling the whole story.

2. Hook Readers With an Interesting Intro

Your headline compelled a reader to click on your content. Now you need to persuade them to read on. approximately 57 percent of the page-viewing time is spent above the fold before readers need to scroll. 

3. Write for Your Audience

A snappy introduction may help you keep your readers' attention for longer, but it's not a silver bullet. You need to write with your specific audience in mind. Or, to put it another way, write for a small subset of people, not for everyone.

4. Narrow Your Article's Focus

Each article should have a single clear idea from headline to conclusion. Following this approach can help you form more logical arguments, write copy that flows naturally, and provide your readers with clear takeaways

5. Be Engaging

However enticing your headline maybe, if your content doesn't quickly engage your audience once they land on your page, they're going to bounce.

6. Use an Outline

Once you've done your research and worked out what your audience expects from your content, it's time to create an outline. Why bother outlining your content? Because it helps you write a more useful, well-structured article.

7. Include Actionable Tips

Your content writing goal should be to ensure readers learn something valuable. That way, there's a better chance they'll share it and come back to you down the line. They might even sign up to your mailing list or download gated content.