Benefits Of Accelerated Mobile Pages

Benefits Of Accelerated Mobile Pages. Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

Benefits Of Accelerated Mobile Pages
Benefits Of Accelerated Mobile Pages

Benefits Of Accelerated Mobile Pages

1. Fast-loading Web Pages That Users Love

Speed is the lifeblood of your mobile browser page. Great content is important, but unless your pages are accessible, users won't read them. AMP helps you to achieve that. Remember the way and rate at which people consume content has changed dramatically.

2. Improved Mobile Search Engine Rankings

There's a strong relationship between site speed and conversion rate. If users are happy on a fast-loading site, they're more likely to subscribe to a list or purchase a product. Although a lot is still expected of AMP, Google hasn't yet made it a ranking factor. 
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3. Flexible Ad Support

Looking at the desktop and mobile browser versions of a site's pages, it's easy to conclude if there are too many distractions. These distractions, such as the header image, navigational menus, and other unnecessary elements, can lower your conversion rate. That means that you can make money more easily from your ads.

4. User Tracking is Simplified

It's not enough to send traffic to your mobile browser pages. You also have to know how they arrived at your site. Tracking helps you determine where people came from, which pages they viewed, and so on. Tracking users and site performance is pretty easy on AMP because there are analytical tools in place