Here Are Some Things You Can Do To Improve Your Logo
Here are some things you can do to improve your logo without having to change too much

Here Are Some Things You Can Do To Improve Your Logo
- 1. Cases
- 2. Proportions
- 3. Colours
- 4. Positions
- 5. Font Kerning
- 6. Font Wieght
1. Cases
Try switching from a lower case to an uppercase or vice versa for your text and see which one is more appropriate
2. Proportions
What's the text to logo ratio? Try resizing it to see what works
3. Colours
Want to make your logo pop? Slight changes in colours can really go a long way
4. Positions
Positions Are elements within your logo positioned properly? Try moving them around and see the results
5. Font Kerning
Font Kerning Are you using a free font? Chances are you might have to adjust the spaces in between the letters
6. Font Wieght
Font Wieght For a more balanced look, try to make sure your font weight is similar to your logos stroke width.