5 Big The Personality Model


5 Big The Personality Model
5 Big The Personality Model

5 Big The Personality Model

1. Ext rave rs ion

• The extraversion dimension captures our comfort level with relationships. Extraverts tend to be gregarious, assertive, and sociable. 
• Introverts tend to be reserved, timid, and quiet.

2. Agreeableness. @personalitydevelopmentpage

• The agreeableness dimension refers to an individual's propensity to defer to others. 
• Highly agreeable people are cooperative, warm, and trusting. • People who score low on agreeableness are cold, disagreeable, and antagonistic.

3. Conscientiousness

• The conscientiousness dimension is a measure of reliability. • A highly conscientious person is responsible, organized, dependable, and persistent. 
• Those who score low on this dimension are easily distracted, disorganized, and unreliable. 

4. Emotional stability

• The emotional stability dimension—often labeled by its converse, neuroticism—taps a person's ability to withstand stress. 
• People with positive emotional stability tend to be calm, self-confident, and secure. 
• Those with high negative scores tend to be nervous, anxious, depressed, and insecure. 

5. Openness to exppeortide.1:1,ce.

The openness to experience dimension addresses range of interests and fascination with novelty. Extremely open people are creative, curious, and artistically sensitive