How To Increase Your Visibility With Online Reviews
Increase Your Visibility by Reaching out to consumers and cultivating ongoing reviews there is the fastest way to boost your customer base.

How To Increase Your Visibility With Online Reviews
1. Reviews Equal Visibility
Ensuring that you have plenty of quality online reviews is a crucial first step for getting bodies in the door or eyeballs on your site. Those businesses with the most reviews and highest average ratings are going to get more traffic both digitally and physically than those with very few reviews.
2. Reviews Build Customer Trust
Ratings and reviews have become a reputational shortcut—a digital marker of quality if you will. we seem to have collectively agreed that online reviews are trustworthy, as 85 percent of consumers say they trust some online reviews as much as personal recommendations from family and friends.
3. Reviews Are Key to Customer Retention
you must realize that responding to a customer, whether they’ve said something positive or negative, is not just about answering them alone. Your whole audience is watching how you interact with your online reviews.
4. Constant Review Generation is Vital
It’s not enough to amass a pile of good reviews one time. Your review stream must be steady and continuous. 77 percent of customers now say that reviews more than 90 days old are irrelevant, so you’ve got to focus on keeping things fresh at all times.
5. Get Local, Get Personal
Reaching out to consumers locally and cultivating ongoing reviews there is the fastest way to boost your customer base. 76 percent of all online searches for local businesses result in foot traffic within 24 hours.