Logo Design Process Start To Finish
Logo Design Process Start To Finish Logo Design Process Divided into 7 Steps go through the post to know all those 7 steps mention below:

Logo Design Process Start To Finish
- 1. Discover
- 2. Research
- 3. Brainstorm
- 4. Sketch
- 5. Design
- 6. Present
- 7. Delivery
1. Discover
Get to know the client's business. Discovery is about getting to know the client's business, it's history, industry, competitors and audience.
2. Research
Find out about the industry. Research is all about analyzing the industry in more detail, conducting visual research and drawing conclusions.
3. Brainstorm
Develop ideas and decide on art direction. Brainstorming is about thinking through all possible design directions that would steer creativity in the right direction.
4. Sketch
Create logo concepts based on strategy.
The goal of sketching is to find a connection between an idea and the creation of a form.
5. Design
Select best options and execute them digitally. Now, design part is all about translating your sketches into digital form and then further testing viability of each concept.
6. Present
Show the concepts on relevant applications.
Show the client your three strongest brand identity concepts on relevant applications.
7. Delivery
Prepare logo artwork and style guide The delivery package should include logo source files and a style guide that describes on how to use that logo.